PICANet need to take the database offline for 30 minutes late on Thursday afternoon to allow us to complete some update work. Please save your work and exit the application before this time, any unsaved work will be lost. Please consider the system at risk until the news item in the PICANet web database has been removed.
PICANet Web database Scheduled Downtime 13:00 – 17:00 on Friday 26th August
PICANet need to take the database offline on Friday afternoon to allow us to complete some update work. Please save your work and exit the application before this time, any unsaved work will be lost. Please consider the system at risk until the news item in the PICANet web database has been removed.
PICANet Web Online and updates to data collection
We are pleased to confirm that the PICANet Web database is now online for participating organisations to resume data entry/ uploads and validation. The PICANet team will be in touch in due course to revise the date for the annual dataset freeze for the period 01.01.2019 to 31.12.2021.
As intended, the GP Practice Code field has been removed from the Admission dataset and the following documents have been updated to reflect this: Data Collection Form, Dataset Definitions Manual, Schema Manual and How to complete the PICANet Admission form.
The two renal customised data collections in are now only available for admissions up to 30 April 2022 and in due course the renal tabs will no longer be available to participating organisations. Renal support continues to be collected as part of the Admissions dataset.
PICANet Web Offline
Unfortunately the PICANet web application is currently offline which means that when you visit the page you will receive a ‘this site can’t reached’ message. Please be reassured that the University of Leeds are working to rectify this and we will update you as soon as it is available so that data entry and validation can be resumed.
PICANet Web Scheduled Downtime 4pm on Friday the 11th of March
PICANet need to take the web application offline today for around 2 hours at 4pm on Friday the 11th of March. The application will be taken completely offline to allow us to do database maintenance work. Please save your work and exit the application before this time, any unsaved work will be lost.
COVID-19 Rapid Reporting frequency change
Up until the 4th of May organisations have been required to return their COVID-19 and PIMS-TS rapid reporting spreadsheet on a weekly basis, thank you for all of your efforts. The team has now agreed that we no longer need to report as frequently due to the current low levels of infection. We are moving to a monthly reporting schedule with returns next due on the 7th of June, to be reported on the 8th of June. In future returns will be expected on the first Monday of the month to enable us to report the day after. The PICANet team will advertise these dates after each publication. This change will remain in place until further notice and will be reviewed if there is a change in national infection rates.
Updated guidance has been published here.
PICANet Annual Report 2020
We are pleased to announce that the PICANet Annual Report 2020 is now published.
This can be downloaded from our Annual Report and Publication page (link) .
The PICANet Annual Report includes The Summary Report, Tables and Figures and Appendices.
Please note that the Tables and Figures document has been broken down into section for ease of use. Each table (with the exception of the Referral and Transport and Staffing data) are represented in the Tables and Figures as dynamic and can be filtered to highlight certain fields.
Copies of previous years’ Annual Reports can be located in the Annual Report Archive (link).
If you have any queries regarding the Annual Report 2020 please contact picanet@leeds.ac.uk
Updated PICANet Report on COVID-19 confirmed cases admitted to Paediatric Intensive Care
PICANet published a report on the 23rd June 2020 relating to children with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis treated in a Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) within the UK. This is an update to that report featuring updated data (Published 12th of November 2020).
Please click here to access the report