Customised Data Collection

Customised Data Collection is the collection of any additional data beyond the PICANet core dataset for the purposes of audit. We now refer to ‘Customised Data Collection’ rather than ‘Custom Audit’ to reflect the wider potential use of the customised data collection function in PICANet Web. It may be about a specific patient group, be carried out in single or multiple units and will be collected through the PICANet Web data collection tool.

Anyone wishing to propose customised data collection must submit a written proposal to PICANet by emailing, this proposal will then be taken to the Clinical Advisory Group (CAG) and management team for consideration. Costs may be added dependant on the workload and upkeep requirements of each project. Please discuss with the team.

Please note all approved customised data collections are voluntary and are made available for organisations wishing to participate via the PICANet Web data collection tool.

Customised Data Collection Policy