Celebrating 20 years of PICANet – how have you used PICANet data?

Picanet is celebrating 20 years of data collection in 2023!

As part of this, we would like to showcase the best ways our data has, and is being used.

We would like to know:

  • Whether you have used PICANet data in the past 20 years
  • If so, what for? (topics you have looked into etc)
  • Where you have had any publications, conference abstracts or presentations which include the use of PICANet data.

Please contact picanet@leeds.ac.uk if you have anything that would be suitable.


Final date for COVID-19/PIMS-TS Rapid Reporting

The final submission of COVID-19 and PIMS-TS Notification Form is due from PICUs on Monday 5th June 2023. Following this date, returns are no longer required.

We are grateful to the PICU teams for the work put into the rapid reporting, thank you!

New PICANet Data Dashboard

We have released a Data Dashboard on our website which presents an overview of PICU activity and performance against PICANet’s clinically agreed key metrics.

The PICANet Data Dashboard is available to everyone and complements PICANet’s published reports and data. PICANet intend to refresh the Data Dashboard throughout the year and broaden the geographical scope for inclusion in some of the charts in due course.