Bank Holiday Closure – August 2021

PICANet, based at the Universities of Leeds and Leicester, will be closed for the Summer Bank Holiday on the 30th August 2021 and in addition the University of Leeds will also be closed on 31st August 2021.

Please contact if you have any questions and one of the team will respond to your enquiry from Wednesday 1st September 2021 when the University of Leeds office re-opens.

We thank you for your patience and understanding.

PICANet Annual Meeting

The PICANet Team are pleased to announce that the PICANet Annual Meeting will be held on the 26th of January 2022.

The half-day will run between 10:00 and 13:00, and will be held via MS Teams.

Registration for the PICANet Annual Meeting will be opening shortly.

Please contact the team if you have any questions.

Thank you.

The PICANet Team

COVID-19 Rapid Reporting frequency change

Up until the 4th of May organisations have been required to return their COVID-19 and PIMS-TS rapid reporting spreadsheet on a weekly basis, thank you for all of your efforts. The team has now agreed that we no longer need to report as frequently due to the current low levels of infection. We are moving to a monthly reporting schedule with returns next due on the 7th of June, to be reported on the 8th of June. In future returns will be expected on the first Monday of the month to enable us to report the day after. The PICANet team will advertise these dates after each publication. This change will remain in place until further notice and will be reviewed if there is a change in national infection rates.

Updated guidance has been published here.

PICANet Closure- March/April 2021

The Universities of Leeds and Leicester, will be closed for the Easter break between 31st March and 7th April.

There will be no technical support during this time.

PICANet are currently undergoing staff changes and as such have encountered capacity limits. Please be aware that any requests may take longer to deal with than usual.

We thank you for you patience and understanding.
Please contact if you have any questions and one of the team will respond to you when able to.

PICANet Printed Resources

PICANet have various resources for download and self printing on the website.


Please visit the Data Collection and Manuals and Guidance sections to view, download and print resources for use within your organisation.


Unfortunately from 1st July 2021 PICANet will no longer able to print and deliver Data Collection material on behalf of units.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to get in touch with the team 

PICANet Annual Report Dataset Freeze 2021

The PICANet dataset for the period 01.01.2018 to 31.12.2020 will be frozen at 12 midnight on March 31st 2021; it is essential that all event data for this period is completed and all validation queries resolved for inclusion in the PICANet Annual Report to be published in 2021.
For children admitted prior to December 31st 2020 who remain as inpatients on your unit please ensure that all daily intervention data up to and including 31st December 2020 is complete.

Thank you

PICANet Annual Report 2020

We are pleased to announce that the PICANet Annual Report 2020 is now published.
This can be downloaded from our Annual Report and Publication page (link) .

The PICANet Annual Report includes The Summary Report, Tables and Figures and Appendices.

Please note that the Tables and Figures document has been broken down into section for ease of use. Each table (with the exception of the Referral and Transport and Staffing data) are represented in the Tables and Figures as dynamic and can be filtered to highlight certain fields.

Copies of previous years’ Annual Reports can be located in the Annual Report Archive (link).

If you have any queries regarding the Annual Report 2020 please contact

Seasonal Closure 18/12/2020 – 04/01/2021

PICANet, based at the Universities of Leeds and Leicester will be closed during the academic Christmas holiday.
The University of Leeds closes on 18th December, with the University of Leicester remaining open until 23rd December for support from our research Nurses available.
If resource or technical support queries are received after 18th December they will be dealt with when the office re-opens on 4th January 2021.


Thank you

PICANet Annual Meeting 2020

During the COVID-19 pandemic, PICANet have established a system of rapid reporting and customised data collection of COVID-19 & PIMS-TS cases. The impact of this additional workload has been that the publication of the 2020 PICANet Annual Report has been delayed (now anticipated to be in February 2021) and there will be no 2020 PICANet Annual Meeting.

Thank you to all PICANet collaborating units and transport teams for your understanding and co-operation throughout this period.


The PICANet Team

PICANet Dataset Changes November 2020

Following approval of the PICANet Clinical Advisory Group, new fields have been added to the PICANet Admissions and Transport Datasets relating to:

Mode of death (Admission dataset only)
Organ transplantation (Admission dataset only)
SpO2 (and FiO2 at time of SpO2).

In addition, the recording of weight will become a mandatory item requiring completion for all admission events.

The following documents provide full details of the changes:

Summary of changes 
New Admission Data Collection Form v10.0 
New Transport Data Collection Form  v3.0
New Admission Dataset Manual 
New Referral & Transport Dataset Manual

These revised datasets are now available on PICANet Web so you can choose to start recording these details with immediate effect, however, they will become a mandatory part of the datasets with effect from 01/01/2021 at which point ‘live’ validation queries will be applied.

For units/transport teams that use paper forms, batches of these will be sent out to you within the next 10 days. For units/transport teams that import data to PICANet Web from local clinical systems it will be necessary to update your local export programme to reflect these changes. We will contact importing units/transport teams shortly with an updated xml schema to support this process.

If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact the PICANet Research Nurses Caroline Lamming ( and Lyn Palmer (