Further to our announcement that PICANet will be updating the current COVID-19 Custom Data Collection to COVID-19 II, it is now anticipated that this will be launched on Monday 13th December 2021 unless otherwise stated. Thank you for your patience as we work to streamline the data collection.
COVID-19 II Custom Data Collection
Coming soon:
PICANet will be updating the current COVID-19 Custom Data Collection to COVID-19 II. The Custom Data Collection has been revised with input from clinicians, taking into account feedback from the original COVID-19 data collection, and is more streamlined for quicker data collection/entry. It also has the addition of the variable: ‘Potential COVID-19 vaccine related complications’ as a reason for reporting. To aid data collection of the new revised COVID-19 II Custom Data Collection, a revised dataset definitions manual, and FAQ page, will all be available to download shortly.
It is anticipated that this will be launched on Monday 6th December 2021 unless otherwise stated.
PCCS Standards 2021 and PICANet
On the 15th October 2021, the Paediatric Critical Care Society (PCCS) released their 6th Edition of the PCCS Quality Standards for the Care of Critically Ill or Injured Children. Two of these standards relate to the timely submission of admission, referral, and transport data to PICANet. The new PCCS standards 2021, have reduced this submission time of data to PICANet from three months to two months:
L3-702- Data for submission to PICANet should be collected and submitted as soon as possible and no later than two months after discharge from the PCC unit.
T-701 – data for referral and transport should be collected and submitted as soon as possible and no later than two months after the transfer.
PICANet will implement this change using a staged approach. At first, email validations between now and the 31st December will show both the two and three month data validation queries for your information. From the 1st January 2022 PICANet will then only show the two month validation queries, and we will be expecting you to meet these standards.
We will of course work closely with units if there are any problems or issues that arise. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to get in touch with the team via picanet@leeds.ac.uk.
COVID-19 Rapid Reporting frequency change – September 2021
Until the 6th September, organisations have been required to return their COVID-19 and PIMS-TS rapid reporting spreadsheet on a monthly basis. Thank you again to the PICU teams for their ongoing hard work in returning these.
PICANet is now moving back to a more frequent reporting schedule for COVID-19 and PIMS-TS cases from units. Returns will now be due fortnightly. The PICANet team will continue to advise of these dates by email.
This change is due to a potential increase in the number of new infections due to schools re-opening, as well as requests for increased monitoring from NHS England. The change will remain in place until further notice and will be reviewed if there is a change in national infection rates.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to get in touch with the team via picanet@leeds.ac.uk
Updated guidance has been published here.
Bank Holiday Closure – August 2021
PICANet, based at the Universities of Leeds and Leicester, will be closed for the Summer Bank Holiday on the 30th August 2021 and in addition the University of Leeds will also be closed on 31st August 2021.
Please contact picanet@leeds.ac.uk if you have any questions and one of the team will respond to your enquiry from Wednesday 1st September 2021 when the University of Leeds office re-opens.
We thank you for your patience and understanding.
PICANet Annual Meeting
The PICANet Team are pleased to announce that the PICANet Annual Meeting will be held on the 26th of January 2022.
The half-day will run between 10:00 and 13:00, and will be held via MS Teams.
Registration for the PICANet Annual Meeting will be opening shortly.
Please contact the team if you have any questions.
Thank you.
The PICANet Team
COVID-19 Rapid Reporting frequency change
Up until the 4th of May organisations have been required to return their COVID-19 and PIMS-TS rapid reporting spreadsheet on a weekly basis, thank you for all of your efforts. The team has now agreed that we no longer need to report as frequently due to the current low levels of infection. We are moving to a monthly reporting schedule with returns next due on the 7th of June, to be reported on the 8th of June. In future returns will be expected on the first Monday of the month to enable us to report the day after. The PICANet team will advertise these dates after each publication. This change will remain in place until further notice and will be reviewed if there is a change in national infection rates.
Updated guidance has been published here.
PICANet Closure- March/April 2021
The Universities of Leeds and Leicester, will be closed for the Easter break between 31st March and 7th April.
There will be no technical support during this time.
PICANet are currently undergoing staff changes and as such have encountered capacity limits. Please be aware that any requests may take longer to deal with than usual.
We thank you for you patience and understanding.
Please contact picanet@leeds.ac.uk if you have any questions and one of the team will respond to you when able to.
PICANet Printed Resources
PICANet have various resources for download and self printing on the website.
Please visit the Data Collection and Manuals and Guidance sections to view, download and print resources for use within your organisation.
Unfortunately from 1st July 2021 PICANet will no longer able to print and deliver Data Collection material on behalf of units.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to get in touch with the team picanet@leeds.ac.uk
PICANet Annual Report Dataset Freeze 2021
The PICANet dataset for the period 01.01.2018 to 31.12.2020 will be frozen at 12 midnight on March 31st 2021; it is essential that all event data for this period is completed and all validation queries resolved for inclusion in the PICANet Annual Report to be published in 2021.
For children admitted prior to December 31st 2020 who remain as inpatients on your unit please ensure that all daily intervention data up to and including 31st December 2020 is complete.
Thank you